Culture Night ’22 Mini Showcase at Irish Pole Dance Academy

arlene caffrey pole dancing at culture night 2022 at d-light studios

Here’s my performance from our mini showcase as part of ‘The Housemates Takeover’ at D-Light Studios for Culture Night ’22.

I had been wanting to dance to this song for a while now, and this felt like the right time. So please enjoy this largely improvised choreo, made up of some of my favourite Old School combos.

I wanted to capture the mood of the song as well as put in a forearm grip Ayesha since I haven’t put one of those in a live performance since 2009. Hashtag everything old is new again.

Thank you Spideog for making this video, and the rest of my IPDA crew who performed with me. And of course, the lovely audience for joining me and witnessing me do my thing in one of my most favourite spaces in the world.

Song: ‘Executive Summary’ Anna’s Anchor (Yurt!)

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